Fako Foundation Projects 2015: Acknowledgements and Appreciation
The below presentation is a summary of the foundation’s launching activities.
In 2015, the Fako Foundation as part of its launch activities engaged in the following:
The Promotion of Culture
In June 2015, the Paramount Chief of Buea, His Royal Majesty Chief Justice Samuel Moka Lifafa Endeley IV, “Transitioned”
In accordance with the Mokpwe Culture, a Ngowaah yah mata (a special pig), was presented to the Endeley Family by the foundation, during the Szra-Szra Ceremony. Some foundation board members were present during the funeral.
The Promotion of Education: Academic Financial Assistance
Nine students affiliated with the Salem Baptist Church, Upper Bolifamba (Mile 16, Buea), were recipients of monetary awards towards various aspects of their education. The awards were made under the foundation’s ‘Academic Financial Assistance’ Category. The recipients included students in primary schools (6), secondary schools (2), and high school (1). Funds received were used variously depending on the needs of the recipient e.g. school supplies, school wears, tuition/fees, registration for national exams e.g. the First School Leaving Certificate, Common Entrance Examination into secondary school, Registration for the General Certificate of Education exam, etc. Recipients of these maiden awards will continue to be sponsored by the foundation until they finish their current course or program of study.
Our appreciation to the following: Professor Paul Musonge-President/Founder of the JNE Foundation, Pastor Hansen Nafenda Ekwe and Mrs. Embelle Ekwe of the Salem Baptist Church, Buea, Cameroon, Mola Stephen Mokondo Moki-the photographer/Videographer, and Mrs. Mariana Mojoko Matute and Children, who were at hand to support the event, on December 27, 2015.
The Promotion of Education: Scholarships and Academic Financial Assistance
On December 23, 2015, the foundation launched its maiden scholarship project and called for competitive applications for scholarships and also called for applications towards academic financial assistance. Publicity for this scholarship applications was effected through the radio and local newspapers in Buea, and various internet outlets e.g. lilolaphako. Application forms were downloadable from the foundation’s website: www.fakofoundation.org; projects; education; study forms. The deadline for receipt of these applications was January 31, 2016. Review of the applications is underway.
Fako Foundation acknowledges Iya Nalova Mokake, CRTV Buea Station Manager, and Mola Mokondo Moki, Journalist working with the foundation, for their efforts in publicizing the activity.
The Promotion of Health Education
Part of the mission of the Fako Foundation is the promotion of preventive healthcare via education. On December 30, 2015, the foundation organized its maiden Free Consultative Clinic, at the Bokwaongo Health Center, in Buea. For practical purposes the event was constituted into components or stations: Registration and biometric data collection and generation, blood analysis, pressure/pulse measurements, echography for pregnant women, general physical examination, prescriptions/recommendations, counseling, and freebies goodies.
The event was successful and well attended. Participants and attendees were limited to 150 for practical purposes. This was unfortunate as many had to be turned back. The foundation hopes to attend to a larger number next time. To assist the foundation in its efforts and endeavors, many well-wishers both solicited and non-solicited, were all hands on deck to ensure the event was a success.

Medical Team
- Dr. Gerald Esunge Eko, UK
- Dr. Peter-Louis Ndifor, Cameroon
- Dr. Mina Eka Endeley, UK
- Mrs. Enany Njie-Pharmacist, Cameroon
- Mrs. Dora Eko-Clinical Pharmacist (MRPharmacist), UK
- Mrs. Mariana Mojoko Matute-Pharmacist, USA
- The Oscar Lambe Diabetic Foundation-Provided the blood
glucose testing services for the event: Mola Oscar Lambe,
Pharmacist/Pharm.D; Mrs. Cornelia Lambe, RN; Ms. Sarah Lambe; Ms.
Matilda Mwambo. - Mr. Walters Teboh- Certified Nurse, Cameroon
- Mrs. Maureen Embelle Ekwe- Certified Nurse, Cameroon
Mr. Walters Teboh, a Registered Nurse and the Chief of Center of the Bokwaongo Health Center, attending to participants at the Free-Health Clinic.
The freebies goodies station was the last station after the strictly medical stations during the clinic. This station was cherished by all but especially the children who got school supplies and toys. Little Miss Chloe Grzybinski of St. Louis, Missouri and friends were instrumental in making available these gifts.
Support Team
- Dr. Victor Mbome Njie, South West Regional Delegate of
Health (Moral support and permission to use Health Center for the
event) - Mr. Walters Teboh, Chief of Center and other Nurses and
Staff, Bokwaongo Health Center (Preparation of Health Center for the
event and hands-on assistance during and after the event) - Management Council, Bokwoango Health Center (Permission to
use Health Center and provided refreshments to the foundation’s
Organizers) - Mola Mbella Mbwaye, Staff Member, Bokwaongo Health Center
(Hands-on-Assistance throughout all the phases of the free-clinic) - Mrs. Yoti Bodylawson, Pharmacist with the
Southwest Delegation of Health and close collaborator of the Regional
Delegate. - Iya Nalova Mokake, CRTV Station Manager Buea (Moral
support, announcements and interviews) - Catholic Church Bokwaongo, Presbyterian Church Likoko
Membea, Presbyterian Church Bokwaongo, Baptist Church Bokwaongo
(assisted with the publicity) - The Chief of Likoko Membea and the Chief of Bokwaongo
(assisted with publicity via town criers) - Mola Stephen Mokondo Moki (Videographer and Journalist that
covered the event) - The Grzybinski Family (They provided the children’s goodies
for the freebies station; Mr. Eric Grzybinski, Mrs. Carol Grzybinski,
and Chloe Grzybinski and friends) - The Slovacek family, the Hill family, and friends
at the Mallickrodt Pharmaceuticals in St. Louis, Missouri (provided the
adult clothes, bags, and other supplies distributed at the freebies
goodies station) - Mrs. Christy Efosi Kinge( Ready hand at the (Freebies
station) - Professor Paul Musonge (Moral support and refreshments)
- Mola Njoh Litumbe (Moral support)
- Mola John Mokake Endeley – Former Mayor of Buea (Moral
Support) - Mola Ndiva Lisinge (Hands-on assistance and errands)
- Mola Moluwa Mokake (Canopies, chairs, and tables)
- Mola Mafany Mokake (Canopies, chairs, and tables)
Youths and Children who manned the Freebies Goodies Station and Water Distribution
- Frederick Eko
- John-Allen Hill-also served as a photographer documenting
the event - Mavita Matute
- Dora Eko
- Malingo Matute
- Sarah Hill
- Moname Matute
The Fako Foundation Management Team present: Dr. Samuel B. Moki, Mrs.
Pauline Litumbe-Hill, Iya Embelle Litumbe, and Dr. M. M. Matute; and
the team members who could not be present Mola Samuel Moka Moliki and
Dr. Augustine Evelle Kange, are collectively grateful to all these fine
men, women, youths and children, who came out in support of the
foundation’s activities to ensure a successful launch.
For a full text of this report, click here.