Annual Report of Activities 2018
The Fako Foundation Incorporated, has a Three-Front Mission
- Promoting Educational Excellence and Supporting Scholarly Efforts
- Promoting and Preserving the Fako (Mokpwe) Culture, and
- Supporting and Sustaining Healthcare
In 2018, the following were accomplished under their respective categories:
- Education
- Our Scholarship Program for Fako Students in Tertiary Institutions and our Academic Financial Assistance Program for Pupils at the Primary, Secondary, and High School levels (Preparatory Levels of Education), remain suspended, because of the ongoing problematic situation in Fakoland, with its adverse effects on Education.
- Biology Exhibition: The Fako Foundation in partnership with the University of Arkansas-Pulaski Tech College, organized a Biology Exhibition at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School (North Little Rock). The exhibition had two main goals:
- The Exhibition was for Middle School Pupils: the goal was to expose, stimulate, and create interest in the Biological and Medical Sciences, with the associated futuristic career opportunities.
- The College Students selected to participate as Co-Exhibitors, were African-Americans, enrolled in the College’s Biology Program. The Exhibition was held during the ‘Black History Month’ and the students represent a population that is a minority in the sciences. This was a case of African-American Students being, Science Exhibitors in an almost exclusively Caucasian school. It was an opportunity for the student exhibitors, to be center at an aspect of a career opportunity in Biology.
- Culture
- BALALIA: BALALIA is the Bakweri Language and Literacy Association, headquartered in Gbwea (Buea). They are an Association with very ambitious goals, and their founding and operation is a blessing to the Mot’a Mokpwe (the Bakweris). Currently, BALALIA is engaged in developing the Mokpwe Alphabet, the Mokpe(Mokpwe) grammar, and translating certain books of the Holy Bible.
- Donation to BALALIA: A challenge of BALALIA is finances to carry out their projects and unfortunately, the association also suffered a fire, that destroyed aspects of their building, and other materials that were crucial in the accomplishment of their mission. The Fako Foundation made a financial donation to BALALIA, specifically for efforts geared towards the translation of certain books of the Holy Bible to the Mokpwe Language.
- Healthcare
- Internally Displaced Persons(IDP): Due to the ongoing problems in Fakoland, that have resulted in untold misery and deaths, the unfortunate situation has also created a huge problem in the form of Internally Displaced Persons. To assist with some basic health and hygienic needs, eight (8) IDPs families associated with the Salem Baptist Church, Mile 16, Buea, Vakoland, were recipients of cash envelopes, according to their needs, as determined. This service to the IDP families, were accomplished with the Coordination of Szrango Rev. Hansen Nafenda EKwe, the Pastor of the Church. For security reasons, the assistance event took place at the Gethsemane Baptist Church in Bokoko Boduma, Buea, Pastored by Szrango Rev. Benjamin Lyonga Monyonge.
- Great Soppo/Wonya Mongoh Integrated Health Center: This is a relatively new healthcare center that is crucial in the provision of primary healthcare to the local population yet, lacking in full operational capacity and the attendant benefits that would have accrued to its dependent population. The Fako Foundation, through its Director of Projects (DOP) for Fakoland, contacted the Chief of this health center and offered the Foundation’s assistance. Based on the list of needs provided by the center, the foundation was able to provide the following:
- Outpatient sitting benches
- In-patient beds
- Mattresses
- Bed sheets
- Pillows and pillow cases
The full and detailed reports for each of the above accomplished projects can be found on our website: The uploads include relevant pictures and videos.
As the Fako Foundation looks forward to another year of service to the people of Fakoland, the Wakpwes, and other communities, my gratitude and acknowledgement goes to the following pillars of the Foundation:
Szrango Dr. Samuel Belsham Moki, Maryland
HRH Chief Dr. Augustine Evella Kange, Minnesota
Szrango Samuel Moka Moliki, Georgia
Nyango Pauline Liengu Litumbe-Hill, Missouri
Nyango Embelle Litumbe, Florida
Nyango Mariana Mojoko Matute, Arkansas
Szrango George Ndiv’a Lisinge, Fakoland
Szrango Dr. Martin Moluwa Matute, Arkansas
This Foundation depends on their generosity, support, and time, and for that, they are greatly appreciated.
Eyole na Wakpwe (peace be with the Fakolanders)
M. M. Matute, Ph.D.
President, the Fako Foundation Incorporated
Education: Project 1
University of Arkansas – Pulaski Technical College
The Fako Foundation Incorporated
Black History Month 2018
Friday 16, February 2018; 9 am- 12 pm
Mini Biology Exhibition
at the
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School, Marche/North Little Rock
M. M. Matute, Ph.D.
Khadijah Amena Stevenson, UA-PTC Biology Student
Raejae Beron Robinson, UA-PTC Biology Student
Arthur Mcdade, UA-PTC Biology Student
Mariana Mojoko Matute, Fako Foundation Volunteer
Exhibition 1: The Human Body: Organs and Organ Systems
Exhibition 2: Evolutionary Diversity of Vertebrate Animals: Aquatic, Terrestrial, Aerial
Candy Opportunities: Assembling of the Organ Systems, Answer questions, Ask questions
Participants: Grades 5th – 8th
The Fako Foundation Incorporated
Provided a Volunteer, lunch for the UA-PTC Biology students, candies for the IHM students, and paid for the videographer/photographer.

Arthur McDade, UA-PTC Biology Student, with IHM Students at the Exhibition

Khadijah Amena Stevenson, UA-PTC Biology Student, with IHM Students at the Exhibition

Raejae Deron Robinson, UA-PTC Biology Student, with IHM Students at the Exhibition

Mariana Mojoko Matute, Fako Foundation Volunteer, with IHM Students at the Exhibition

IHM Students Successfully Assembled the Human Skeletal/Organ Systems from scratch

Proud IHM Students and their Teachers after Assembling Organ Systems in a model

IHM 7th& 8th Grade Students and Teacher Participants at the Exhibition

IHM 5th & 6th Grade Students and Teacher Participants at the Exhibition

IHM 5th& 6th Grade Students and Teacher Participants at the Exhibition

IHM Students Exploring theEye in model and preserved forms

Dan Smith, Principal of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School, Marche/North Little Rock

UA-PTC Exhibitionists:Matute, Stevenson, McDade, Robinson
Culture and Education: Project 2

BALALIA Based in Gbwea (Buea) is a Mokpwe Literacy Group and Effort aimed at translating certain books of the Bible to the Mokpwe Language and also documenting for the first time aspects of the Mokpwe Grammar. The Fako Foundation made a cash donation to BALALIA after the offices of BALALIA caught fire. The fire destroyed material aspects but also led to the loss of valuable intellectual and academic materials. The Fako Foundation donation was specific to aspects and efforts geared towards the continual translation of the Bible to the Mokpwe Language. Fako Foundation was represented at the donation ceremony by the foundation’s Director of Projects in Fako, Szrango Ndiv’a Lisinge (front left). The DOP read the President’s (Szrango M. M. Matute) message and then handed the cash envelope to BALALIA.

Pastor Getty Ndely of BALALIA receives FF President’s message from the FF DOP in Fako

The FF DOP, hands over the cash envelope to the BALALIA Treasurer

Fako Foundation Letter to BALALIA During The Donation Ceremony
Mola Dr. Humphrey Ekem’a Monono
Board Chair
The Bakweri Language and Literacy Association (BALALIA)
Dear Mola Board Chair
We of the Fako Foundation, Incorporated (USA), salute you and your management team, for the noble task of promoting and preserving aspects of our ancestral culture. Very importantly, we note with admiration that perhaps for the first time in the evolutionary history of our people the Wakpwes, concerted, practical, and action oriented efforts have been put in place, to document electronically and otherwise, aspects of the rich culture of the Fakolanders. Such efforts have resulted in the active teaching of the Mokpwe language and the translation of some of the Books of the Holy Bible into the Mokpwe Language. And yes, we do know and realize that, the translation efforts are a job in progress, requiring sacrifices of many kinds, and such sacrifices being the duty of all Vakpwes, that can afford to be part of this unfolding history, under our own very eyes.
The Wakpwes are a monolithic group but geographically and sub culturally, they are a diverse and a polymorphic people. They are thus Wato wa Szrawa (coastal people), Wato wa Likumba (forest people), and Wato wa Vako (mountain people). By virtue of their sub geolocations and sub sociocultural attributes and identities, the Wakpwes and Fakolanders at different times of their evolutionary history, had deities as Wato wa Vhenama (human beings), specific to locations and /or need. Thus, there is the Liengu la Muaja (the goddess of the sea) and Evaszra-Moto, the deity of the Vako a.k.a. the Gbwea Mountain. Whenever, there was some serious problems in Vakoland, for example a disease epidemic, widespread and constant death of Wana (children) or Melokeh (youths), when miscarriages went rampant or Walana (women) became infertile, a Mbando was called for and organized by the elders of the people, charged with such matters. The Mbando evoked the relevant deity to intervene on behalf of the people, who placed their trust in them.
Despite the above and well before the advent of Colonial Missionaries, the Wakpwes still believed in a Monolithic and an All Powerful God, variously called: Ovaszreh, Loweh, Maikeh, or some other combinations or forms, for example Low’a la Mongo mo Ndando, Owaszreh-Loweh, Ta’ata Maikeh, etc.
The Vakpwes are therefore a people of faith, a people that believe in a One God above all other gods and a people with a long history of a spiritual journey, a journey that is in progress and with an even brighter future.
The Fako Foundation, is therefore making this modest contribution to you and your team’s efforts and as guided by the Holy Spirit of the One True God, to bring closer and hopefully in perpetuity the word of God to our people, the Wakpwes, as a chosen people for Evangelization.
May God bless BALALIA in its spiritual and cultural services to the Wato wa Wakpwe.
Eyoleh eweh na BALALIA (Peace)
M. M. Matute, Ph.D.
President, the Fako Foundation Incorporated
Foundation Management Team and Contributors
Szrango Dr. Samuel Belsham Moki, Maryland
Szrango Dr. Augustine Evella Kange, Minnesota
Szrango Samuel Moka Moliki, Georgia
Nyango Pauline Liengu Litumbe-Hill, Missouri
Szrango Dr. Frederick Ngomba Eko, California
Nyango Embelle Litumbe, Florida
Nyango Mariana Mojoko Matute, Arkansas
Szrango George Ndiv’a Lisinge, Fakoland
Szrango Moluwa mo Matute, Arkansas
Journalist’s Report
BALALIA gets Fako Foundation Financial Support
By Moki S. Mokondo in Buea (Journalist)
Members of the Bakweri Language and Literacy Association (BALALIA) now have a sigh of relief after receiving financial support from a US based organization composed of Fakoland indigenes residing in the USA called Fako Foundation, Incorporated (USA).
The sum of FCFA 300,000 was handed to the Programmes Coordinator, Rev. Eyole Genty Njie Ndeley and other members present on Tuesday June 26, 2018 at the Bakweri Language and Linguistic Centre located at the Former CDC Molyko Driver’s Quarter in Buea.
While presenting the financial support to BALALIA, Mola Ndiv’a Lisinge (the Foundation’s Project Director in Cameroon) read a message of encouragement from Mola Moluwa Matute (the President of the Fako Foundation), in which members of the Fako Foundation expressed their joy for work done to develop the Mòkpè (Bakweri) alphabet which has resulted to the active teaching of the Mòkpè language and the translation of some Books of the Holy Bible into the Mòkpè language.
In the message, Fako Foundation members also voiced their pleasure to be part of the unfolding history and hope their modest contribution to the Holy Bible translation project will help bring the word of God closer to the Wakpwes who are a chosen people in this Evangelistic mission. The Fako Foundation message included a socio-cultural and historical profile of the diverse and monolithic nature of the Mokpwes, as it pertains to their spiritual life.
On his part, the Programme Coordinator, Rev. Eyole Genty Ndeley lauded the gesture and promised that their association will render accounts of the financial support received. He noted that while translating the Holy Bible into the Mòkpè language, they are also making efforts to teach the language so that the translated work will have readers.
According to the Holy Father, it will be useless to translate the Holy Bible into Mòkpè without a readership. For this reason, they have created special classes within some neighbourhoods and villages where teachers will be introducing learners to the Mòkpè Alphabet and eventually train them on how to read and write in the Mòkpè language. He went further to state that they have come out with dairies and alphabet charts in Mòkpè to facilitate the learning of the language.
Since its creation, the Fako Foundation has sponsored some projects back at home. First it was a special free health clinic in Wokwaongo (Bokwaongo), then academic financial assistance to needy students, followed by scholarships to deserving students at all levels of studies and then academic financial assistance to needy students. The foundation’s academic projects have slowed down due to the current situation in Fakoland.
Healthcare: Project 3
Internally Displaced Persons
Monetary Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Fakoland due to the ongoing situation

The Fako Foundation’s Director of Projects in Vakoland, Szrango Ndiv’a Lisinge here welcomes all to the occasion.
While the Assistance to the IDPs was in partnership with Salem Baptist Church in Mile 16, Buea, for security reasons, the assistance was handed out at the Gethsemane Baptist Church instead. Our gratitude to the Congregants of this church.

Rev. Hansen Nafenda Ekwe, Pastor of the Salem Baptist Church, Mile 16, Buea, Vakoland
Szrango Pastor Ekwe partnered with the Fako Foundation, and working with the Foundation’s DOP, determined and reached selected IDPs for the assistance.

Szrango Rev. Pastor Ekwe calls recipients and hands them their envelopes individually

The amount of cash received by each selected IDPs varied as it was associated with
the degree of need as determined by Szrango Pastor Ekwe

The cash amount received by each recipient was only limited by the limitations of the funds for the project

Full of appreciation to the Fako Foundation, Szrango Pastor prayed for the contributing members of
the foundation and their families and also prayed for the Foundation’s management team

Recipient after Recipient was full of smiles as an envelope was received

Some of the Recipients present during the handing of envelopes
Those recipients who could not be present for various reasons, were to have their envelopes delivered to them as soon as it was possible

A grateful Recipient, thanks the Fako Foundation on behalf of all the other recipients,
for coming to their assistance in times of need. Her exact words of gratitude and those of
other recipients are captured in the video shot during the occasion

End of Occasion photo shot
The Foundation puts a smile to the faces of IDPs
Video Of The IDP Assistance Ceremony
Healthcare: Project 4
Donation to Health Center
Donation to the Greater Soppo/Wonya-Mongoh Integrated Health Center
Buea, Vakoland

Prince Charles Effungani Endeley Endeley, Senior Prince of the Mokunda Palace in Buea
Representing the Fako Foundation President, delivers the Foundation’s Message to Staffer at the Healthcare Facility

George Ndiva Lisinge, the Foundation’s Director of Project in
Supports Prince Charles Endeley as he
delivers the Foundation’s message
and after introducing him to the clinic staffers

of the donated items to the Chief of Center (Front
assisted by
two of her Staff Nurses

The donated items awaiting the handing over while the Foundation’s message was being delivered

The donated
items included: Beds, mattresses and pillows (for the inpatients) and
benches for outpatients while waiting to be attended to: In receiving
the donated items,
the Chief Center and two of her Staff Nurses, expressed their gratitude
pledged to put the donated items to good use.

Donated Items displaying the insignia of the Fako Foundation

Chief of Center (front and second from the right) and her staff

Fako Foundation Letter To The Chief Of Center During The Donation Ceremony
The Chief of Center
Great Soppo Integrated Health Center
Buea, Fakoland
Dear Chief of Center
In its simplest form, human health is defined as the ‘absence of disease or infirmity’ and on a broader sense ‘a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being’. The productivity of individuals and the community as a whole are thus tied to good health. Economic and other social challenges in communities are first rooted in the health status of its people, before any other constraints can come into play. A micro or community based healthcare system, like the Great Soppo Integrated Health Center, in Gbwea (Buea), is thus a necessary requirement for the economic development and social welfare of the peoples of Great Soppo Buea, in Fakoland.
We of the Fako Foundation, Incorporated (USA), salute you and your management team, for the noble task of tending to the health of the community, a noble profession indeed you have carved out for your selves. We have decided to partner with the Great Soppo Integrated Health Center by providing some beds, mattresses and pillows for inpatients and some sitting benches for out- patients. It is our hope that these modest donations on our part, will assist in a small way in the realization of your noble objectives and tasks.
The Fako Foundation is of Fako Indigenes residing in the United States of America. We were founded some four years ago and since then, we have undertaken projects in health, educational, and cultural domains in Fakoland. We have also awarded a number of scholarships and academic Financial Assistance to needy Fako Students. Our Scholarship and Academic Financial Assistance Programs are currently suspended because of the current and ongoing situation and in Fakoland. We intend to resume these academic programs once as the current situation reverses itself.
We are hoping that we will continue to partner and collaborate with the Great Soppo Integrated Health Center in future projects. We have no doubts that these maiden donations to this Health Center, will be put to outmost use, encouraging the Fako Foundation to return for more partnerships.
Between you the Chief of Center and the Foundation’s Director of Projects in Fakoland, Szrango George Ndiv’a Lisinge, it took the both of you, patience and tenacity to realize this project. The Foundation is very grateful to you both.
The Donors and Management Team of the Fako Foundation, Incorporated (USA), are individuals who deprive their families of the funds they donate to carry out these charity and humanitarian projects and time, they could spend with their families. These are noble Szrangos and Nyangos, with giving hearts, who delight in being of service to their home communities. I am most grateful to them all and I say Thank You, and will continue to say Thank You, as they continue to embark on this noble mission, they have carved out for themselves.
M. M. Matute, Ph.D.
President, the Fako Foundation Incorporated
January 11th, 2019: 2018 Health Projects
Foundation Management Team and Contributors
Szrango Dr. Samuel Belsham Moki, Maryland
HRH Chief Dr. Evella Kange, Minnesota
Szrango Samuel Moka Moliki, Georgia
Nyango Pauline Liengu Litumbe-Hill, Missouri
Nyango Embelle Litumbe, Florida
Nyango Mariana Mojoko Matute, Arkansas
Szrango George Ndiv’a Lisinge, Fakoland
Szrango Moluwa mo Matute, Arkansas